Архитектурное наследство

Scholarly journal

Founded in 1951

ISSN 0320-0841

New materials regarding research in the fields of architecture and urban construction are being presented. The authors also focus on the history of the creation of little-known buildings of interest, on the development of local architectural traditions, on new attributions, and introduce recently discovered archive materials. A number of papers are dedicated to the issues of architectural and urban planning development of historical towns and cities or study the formation of architectural ensembles. The edition also includes papers that are devoted to theoretical historical-architectural problems, to biographies of architects, or analyze artistic approaches and concepts.

Issue 67

G. G. Nugmanova.

Regular Town Plans Connected with the Reconstructing of the Russian Province, First Half of the 19th Century: «Immediately Start Re-Planning»

The paper studies the changes in urban planning in connection with Russian provincial towns. Most of the projects of regular plans of the Russian Uyezd towns were prepared in the 19th century. The Uyezd towns in the Kazan Government, studied in this article, have received their approved plans in 1822, 1829 and 1835. The author focuses on their embodiment and on the consecutive transformation of the urban environment, that can be observed within the context of adopting a regular urban construction plan across the whole empire.


Regular plan, transformation of space, re-planning, Kazan Government, Uyezd towns.

Nugmanova Gulchachak Gilemkhanovna,

Ph. D. of art history, CIRD of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, Scientific Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, branch of the Central Institute for Research and Design of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, leading research fellow.

E-mail: gulchachak.n@gmail.com


1. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 1, List No 1, Rule No 161 (Po predpisaniiu grazhdanskogo gubernatora s preprovozhdeniem planov vysochaishe konfirmovannykh na goroda Sviiazhsk, Laishev, Mamadysh, Spassk, Tetiushi, Chistopol’ i Iadrinsk dlia sniatiia kopii, 1829 g.).

2. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 1, List No 2, Rule No 1 (O rasplanirovanii uezdnykh gorodov, 1832 g.).

3. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 1, List No 2, Rule No 1 (Ob ustroistve gorodov i selenii, 1867 g.).

4. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 108 (Ob izmenenii vysochaishe utverzhdennogo na g. Kozmodem’iansk plana, 1872 g.).

5. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 109 (Ob izmenenii vysochaishe utverzhdennogo na g. Cheboksary plana, 1873 g.).

6. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 178 (Ob utverzhdenii plana na g. Mamadysh, 1874 g.).

7. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 807 (Ob utverzhdenii plana na g. Kozmodem’iansk Kazanskoi gubernii, 1881 g.).

8. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 2422 (Po predpisaniiu departamenta khoziaistvennogo Ministerstva vnutrennikh del na ispravlenie plana g. Sviiazhska, 1865–1869 gg.).

9. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 2, List No 7, Rule No 2425 (Po raportu Chistopol’skoi gorodskoi dumy o sostavlenii plana na g. Chistopol’, 1866–1870 gg.).

10. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 409, List No 1, Rule No 98 (Delo po zaprosu kazanskogo gubernskogo zemlemera Okhotkina o dostavlenii svedenii o sostavlennykh planakh i fasadakh s 1 iiunia po 1 iiulia chistopol’skim zemlemerom zhiteliam gor. Chistopolia, 1833 g.).

11. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 409, List No 1, Rule No 662 (Po predlozheniiu g. kazanskogo voennogo gubernatora s pravilami o sostavlenii planov gorodam, 1836 g.).

12. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 409, List No 1, Rule No 1206 (Po raportu cheboksarskogo gorodnichego o rasplanirovanii g. Cheboksary po planu vysochaishe utverzhdennomu, 1839–1842 gg.).

13. Natsional’nyi arkhiv respubliki Tatarstan (NART), File No 409, List No 1, Rule No 1996 (O nedopushchenii otstuplenii ot utverzhdennogo plana na goroda, 1843 g.).

14. Nauchnaia biblioteka Kazanskogo federal’nogo (Privolzhskogo) universiteta (NB KF(P)U) im. N. I. Lobachevskogo, Otdel rukopisei i redkikh knig (ORRK), Un. of St. No 4447, Geometricheskaia karta Kazanskoi gubernii, 1796 g.

15. Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii. Sobranie 2, vol. 7: 1832 g. Saint-Petersburg, 1833, no 5108 (Ob uprazdnenii v Kazanskoi gubernii zvaniia grazhdanskogo gubernatora s naznacheniem v onuiu voennogo gubernatora i o soedinenii v litse ego upravleniia v gubernii kak voennogo, tak i grazhdanskogo).

16. Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii arkhiv (RGIA), File No 1286, List No 1, Rule No 4 (Delo o planakh gorodam Kazanskoi gubernii, 1804 g.).

17. Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii arkhiv (RGIA), File No 1287, List No 8, Rule No 1 (Po predstavleniiu kazanskogo gubernatora o planakh 8 gorodam Kazanskoi gubernii, 1808–1829 gg.).

18. Kirichenko E. I. Gradostroitel’stvo Rossii serediny XIX — nachala XX veka, vol. 1. Moscow, 2001.

19. Nugmanova G. G. 2017. Reguliarnye plany gorodov v preobrazovanii rossiiskoi provintsii, pervaia polovina XIX veka: “privedenie k okonchaniiu dela”. Arkhitekturnoe nasledstvo, i. 66, pp. 116–126.