Архитектурное наследство

Scholarly journal

Founded in 1951

ISSN 0320-0841

New materials regarding research in the fields of architecture and urban construction are being presented. The authors also focus on the history of the creation of little-known buildings of interest, on the development of local architectural traditions, on new attributions, and introduce recently discovered archive materials. A number of papers are dedicated to the issues of architectural and urban planning development of historical towns and cities or study the formation of architectural ensembles. The edition also includes papers that are devoted to theoretical historical-architectural problems, to biographies of architects, or analyze artistic approaches and concepts.

Issue 61 (2014)

Vasilii Markov.

Basic Principles of the Planning Structure of Taganrog (trends in town-plannig of Taganrog, 1697–1699)

The paper studies the projects of Austrian engineers, which influenced the formation of the architectural and urban planning composition of the first Russian regular town — Taganrog. 


Taganrog, urban planning schemes, analysis of urban planning approaches, A. Laval, E. F. Borgsdorf.

Markov Vasilii Aleksandrovich

Taganrod Technological Institute of the Southern Federal Univer-sity, Department of Engineering Graphics and Computer Design, associate professor.

E-mail: vamarkov1955@mail.ru


1. Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv (RGVIA), File No 349, List No 39, Rule No 57.

2. Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskii arkhiv (RGIA), File No 1293, List No 168, Rule No 33.

3. Tsentral’nyi Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-morskogo flota (TsGAVMF), File No 176, Rule No 27, Page No 404–406.

4. Tsentral’nyi Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-morskogo flota (TsGAVMF), File No 177, Rule No 14, Page No 580 ob.

5. Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voenno-istoricheskii arkhiv (RGVIA), File No 349, List No 39, Rule No 49; Voenno-uchenyi arkhiv Rossiiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Voenno-istoricheskogo arkhiva (VUA RGVIA), Rule No 22890, 22892.

6. Otdel rukopisei Biblioteki Akademii nauk (OR BAN), File No 266, Vol. 2, Page No 107.

7. Borisov L. Antonii de-Laval’. Po neizdannym dokumentam Voronezhskogo arkhiva. Russkii vestnik, vol. 211. S.-Pb., 1890, pp. 3, 7.

8. Elagin S. I. Istoriia russkogo flota. Period Azovskii. S.-Pb., 1864.

9. Elagin S. I. Istoriia russkogo flota. Period Azovskii. Prilozheniia, vol. 1. S.-Pb., 1864, pp. 46–47, 103, 315–316.

10. Korb I. G. Dnevnik puteshestviia v Moskoviiu (1698 i 1699 gg.). S.-Pb., 1906, pp. 259, 290–295.

11. Murzanova M. N., Bobrova E. I., Petrov V. A. (comps.). Istoricheskii ocherk i obzor fondov rukopisnogo otdela Biblioteki Akademii nauk. I. 1. XVIII vek. M.; L., 1956.

12. Murzanova M. N., Pokrovskaia V. F., Bobrova E. I. (comps.). Istoricheskii ocherk i obzor fondov rukopisnogo otdela Biblioteki Akademii nauk. Karty, plany, chertezhi, risunki, graviury sobraniia Petra I. M.; L., 1961.

13. Karpov A. N., Kogan V. G. Azovskii flot i flotilii. Taganrog, 1994.

14. Markov V. A. 2011. Razvitie Taganrogskoi gavani v XVII–XIX vv. Arkhitektura. Stroitel’stvo. Dizain, no 2 (63), pp. 82–85.

15. Pis’ma i bumagi Petra Velikogo, vol. 1. S.-Pb., 1887, p. 714.

16. Gulianitskii N. F. (ed.). Peterburg i drugie novye rossiiskie goroda XVIII — pervoi poloviny XIX vekov. M., 1995, pp. 92, 267, 303.

17. Iakovlev V. V. Evoliutsiia dolgovremennoi fortifikatsii. M., 1931, p. 81.