Архитектурное наследство

Scholarly journal

Founded in 1951

ISSN 0320-0841

New materials regarding research in the fields of architecture and urban construction are being presented. The authors also focus on the history of the creation of little-known buildings of interest, on the development of local architectural traditions, on new attributions, and introduce recently discovered archive materials. A number of papers are dedicated to the issues of architectural and urban planning development of historical towns and cities or study the formation of architectural ensembles. The edition also includes papers that are devoted to theoretical historical-architectural problems, to biographies of architects, or analyze artistic approaches and concepts.

Issue 64

I. G. Basova.

The House of Royal Physician Lestock — S. F. Apraksin in St. Petersburg. Reconstructing on the Basis of A. Wist’s 1758 Inventory

The author attempts, using the archive inventory and an axonometric plan, to reconstruct a house on the Tsaritsyn Lug, which was first owned by J. A. Lestock and later by S. F. Apraksin. Such a description of all the buildings of the estate, as well as of the interiors of guest, private and service rooms may be regarded as an important contribution to the study of residential architecture of the first half of the 18th century. Very few buildings of this period have survived in its original form.


S. F. Apraksin, A. Wist, Tsaritsyn Lug, St. Petersburg, residential architecture, first half of the 18th century, J. A. Lestock.

Basova Irina Gennadievna,

custodian of museum objects of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

E-mail: Nika3410@yandex.ru


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